Transforming old Voice Solution to Modern integrated Solution within the Budget!
As UC Solutions stands for “Unified Communications Solutions”, one of our Solutions since day 1 was building a complete Unified Communication Solution to our customers.
In Hassan Allam project, we had some challenges for connecting their legacy Analog Phones with the current Cisco Call Manager, in addition to adding a new modern Voice over IP solution without exceed the budget or adding new license or device to Cisco CUCM.
We presented Yeastar IPPBX, an affordable VoIP system that can be the Unified Communication device that handles, not just the local users, but also the users across all remote locations. Yeastar IP-PBX had also the ability, through its gateway, for the legacy phone system to communicate with the existing Cisco CUCM. In addition, we provided the support for using free Soft Phone for all mobile users with the full system functions including making internal and external calls between the new and legacy systems.
The new VoIP design had provided also the remote locations to have full function for modern VoIP system including Voice Mail, Caller ID, Soft Phone, and integrating modern IP Phones for as Yealink IP Phones.